Non-Shooting Guests
We wholeheartedly encourage guests to bring family and friends to be part of the day’s events, as this so often adds wonderful style and humour to a sporting escapade.
A whole host of non-shooting or hunting activities, depending on the location, can be organised for those not wishing to participate is the actual shooting or hunting activities of the day.
Whether it is a day at a spa, local historic house tour, or a separate day safari while out in the African bush, we can suggest and organise a range of ideas.
Classic Luxury Safaris
Sybarite Sporting™ together with sister company to Sybarite Safaris™, specialise in classic, eco-friendly, luxury Safaris in Africa, with emphasis on low-impact sustainable conservation ecotourism that benefits local communities and their cultures.
"I fully support all game harvesting operations if done properly and in line with
evidence-based, well considered cull plans, conducted in an ethical manner."
- Non-Hunting Safari Guest (2009)
The act of hunting is not for everyone but hunter-gathering is in our DNA as homo sapiens, and why we exist today!
Harvesting a sustainable, wild, resource through shooting, hunting or fishing is a direct form of conservation, and provided it is achieved safely by utilising a quick, humane method it is the most natural, healthy 1 and ethically responsible food form.
Maybe think about having a lesson and become proficient with a shotgun,
rifle or fishing rod, and in-turn take a consumable harvest from the wild,
instead of letting the supermarkets do it for you…in plastic!
Sustainable-use conservation hunting is a passion, a religion for us - not only do we feel we have a moral obligation to pass on knowledge, thought and analytic theory to others but we want to hear and learn rational intelligent views and thought from others….
1 Game meat is generally higher in protein, specifically in Omega-3 fats, and lower in fat,
than farm raised meat. Many game meats have specific nutritional qualities; kangaroo, for example, is very common in Australia, has extremely high levels of conjugated linoleic acid. There are no concerns about hormones or antibiotics in wild game because the animals have never been given any.
The nutrition alone would be a good reason to eat more game meat, but sustainable harvesting of wild game meat has a much lighter impact on the planet and if actively managed, produces a ‘net Biodiversity gain’ to the ecosystem.