Bush & Plains Game
Blesbok or Blesbuck
Bushbuck (Cape & Harnessed)
Bushbuck (East African)
Bushbuck (Chobe)
Dik-Dik (Damara & Kirk’s)
Duiker (Common, Grey or Bush)
Duiker (Harvey's and Red-Flanked)
Eland (Cape & Livingstone's)
Eland (Patterson's)
Gazelle (Grant's, Robert's & Thomson's)
Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)
Gerenuk or Giraffe Gazelle
Grysbok (Sharpe's or Northern)
Hartebeest (Red, Bubales or Cape)
Hartebeest (Coke's & Lichtenstein's)
Impala (Southern & Black-Faced)
Kudu (Greater & Lesser)
Oryx (Fringe-Eared)
Reedbuck (Bohor, Redunca or Nagor)
Reedbuck (Southern and Mountain)
Roan Antelope
Sable Antelope
Sitatunga (East African or Marshbuck)
Steenbok or Steinbuck
Suni (Common & Linvingston’s)
Tsessebe (Common or Sassaby)
Topi (subspecies of the Tsessebe)
Waterbuck (Ringed, Common or Ellipsen)
Wildebeest (Black or White-Tailed Gnu)
Wildebeest (Blue or White-Bearded Gnu)
Zebra (Burchell's or Plains)
Zebra (Hartmann's or Mountain)
Zebra (Chapman's)
Itinerary Organisation
All African hunting safaris are conducted through operators we know personally and have become good friends over time. Hunting safaris can be organised as standalone trips or to include photographic and coastal itineraries.
Licence requirements: Sybarite Sporting will organise all of the necessary forms and permits, which you will need to complete in advance of travel. These will be issued prior to departure and will either be sent to you personally, and/or where appropriate, presented to you on arrival at your hunting destination.
Insurance requirements: We advise you to check with your insurance provider to ensure that you are covered for all the activities that you are likely to be taking part in - please see Insurance.
Conservation Partners
Sybarite Sporting is proud to be a member of and/or support the following African wildlife hunting conservation organisations - please see Partners & Associates.

Kenya has lost, on average 68% of her wildlife since banning game hunting in 1977, though not attributed totally to the ban, it shows the conservation value, well managed hunting contributes. 1

1 Ogutu, Dr. Joseph O. (1916) Extreme Wildlife Declines and Concurrent Increase in Livestock
Numbers in Kenya: What Are the Causes? Directorate of Resource Surveys & Remote Sensing,
The International Livestock Research Institute & The University of Nairobi.
Hunting for food has always been and continues to be an important aspect of life in rural African hunter-gatherer communities. Communal conservancies utilise wildlife sustainably, which includes the harvesting of meat through the sale of hunting safaris, which is intrinsically based upon researched quotas and regulation.
Wildlife populations have increased where the guiding principle is - if a resource has value, people will conserve it (if it pays, it stays!).
Sustainable Use for Wildlife Conservation (Subtropical Dry (STM) Hunting)
Through a lifetime of African hunting, fishing and safaris we have created, overtime with friends / operators, a small collection of camps that represent the classic climatic hunting habitats of the subtropical dry region of Africa, from the arid / semi-arid lands of South West Africa to the tropical dry savannahs of East Africa.
Our small collections of camps enable us to access the majority of representative species from each of Africa’s climatic hunting habitat regions!
Namibia | Zimbabwe | Mozambique | Tanzania
It goes without saying, that all the hunting concessions we use are managed under sustainable-use wildlife conservation programmes - where scientific, evidence-based population surplus quote is issued, per species.
In-turn, this surplus can be ethically harvested, to benefit the local people, through employment and game utilisation i.e. game meat, skin etc., and together with preservation, a sustainable ‘net biodiversity gain’ can be achieved for the ecosystem.
Quota based, plains and bush game species: -